~Posted by Vito and Dunkel
~Posted by Smokey
We almost forgot to post!!....
Now you can see why....
~Posted by Smokey and Vito
Even though this is addressed to dogs, it is the same for us cats. Since we are smaller animals, it takes far less to poison us...
~Posted by Vito
~Posted by Dunkel
A beautiful cat from RMFR: 
   "Geronimo is a young, cuddly male who was abandoned by his owners in Kansas. He is very sweet and gentle, and is turning into quite the lap cat. When his favorite people come to see him, he can get so excited, he rolls over on his back and waves all four legs in the air. Very cute! Geronimo's special volunteer, reports that he also loves to play, especially with feather toys. Geronimo likes kids, dogs, other cats and Fancy Feast Fish and shrimp canned food. He was born on July, 2008. Geronimo, being FIV+, would make a great pet for a family with dogs and kids and a few laps to sit on. Won't you take him home with you today!" ~Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue
Purrs to Geronimo,
Smokey and Vito
Here is a list of different foods that are poisonous to cats:

Dangerous Ingredients for Cats:

raisins & grapes
   These aren't the only ones. There are house plants and other foods that are poisonous too. Always remember to check if the ingredient is safe before you use it in a recipe for your cat.
Info from You Bake 'Em Cat Treats by Gabrielle Tolliver
~Posted by Dunkel
~Posted by Dunkel
~Posted by Smokey
These pictures make us laugh every time!! We can't take credit for any of them though...
Vito: That fat cat has one of you expressions Dunkel... Dunkel: Heeeyyy!!! No it doesn't!
Smokey: It kinda looks like you, Vito...
Smokey & Vito: I love ribbons!!!!!
Definitely our favorite!
Hope you liked them as much as we did!
~Posted by Dunkel, Smokey, Vito